August 24, 2010

What It's Like To Be Me

As I moved posts from the old blog address and re-worked some categories I realized that I had been really inconsistent with posting my weekly progress.  Not that you care all that much, but the point of this blog is to help me be accountable so I need to write it out each week even if only to keep myself focused.  Some days I feel like Dug the Dog.  Squirrel!  (Those of you who haven't seen Up have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?)

Last week I lost three pounds which was huge!  That meant I was only 4 pounds from the 20 pound mark.  As I went through the week I couldn't help but sneak onto the scale and see where I was.  After all, I was eating good healthy foods and taking walks on my lunch break.  Surely I was making a dent in those 4 pounds, right?  Right?  Wrong!  The scale consistently showed a 0.5 pound gain.  All.  Week.  Long. 


So Friday, after a long week of dealing with a difficult client I caved in and splurged.  I had chicken nuggets, french fries, and a Dr Pepper for lunch.  And I didn't even feel guilty about it because I just knew I was going to get up Saturday morning and get on the treadmill and eat a small bowl of cereal for breakfast and a turkey sandwich for lunch.  Maybe I wasn't going to lose any weight this week, but I was okay with that.

Then Saturday came and I realized I didn't have cereal or turkey and I was annoyed.  So I went to Sonic.  Don't speak to me regarding the logic of spending $5 at Sonic versus $5 at the grocery store.  Don't tell me that if I was going out anyway I could at least eat a lowfat Subway sandwich.  Nope, my brain didn't want to hear that.  Plus, Rowdy wanted tater tots.  He told me so.  (Heaven help me, I'm blaming the dog...)

And since I had blown it already I decided "what the heck - tomorrow starts another week - let's go out with a bang" and I made this...

And I ate a large serving.  And it was heaven on a plate.  Or in a bowl.  Or something. 

And the scale on Sunday morning told me ALL about it.  I had gained three pounds.  In one day.  Pitiful.

But Sunday I got right back on track and had a sensible breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  And by Monday morning I was back down to only 0.5 pound weight gain.

I'm supposed to log my weight into Weight Watchers on Sundays.  I cheated this week.  I'll own it.  And when my software said "So, you gained a little this week..." I chuckled and thought "Baby, you have NO idea"!

But this week is a new week full of new temptations opportunities and I'll eventually show those 4 pounds that I'm the Boss.  Then I can focus on the next 20 pounds.  Which just made me break out in a cold sweat and start craving Taco Bueno.  Help me, Rhonda!

The End.

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