October 15, 2010

Printable Recipes!

It bothers me to not have a way for people to easily print out recipes from my site.  Since I'm using a free blogging service there are limits to the kind of gadgets and coding I can publish, and I haven't been happy with the results for any of the options thus far.  Until now.  Today I found a way to make my recipes printable, and I am very very excited about it!

Slowly but surely I'll be adding links to the bottom of each recipe.  Look for these "Printable Recipe" links and you'll be able to click and print all you want.  The printed versions are stream-lined with ingredients and directions only.  I've eliminated the gratuitous sarcasm along with the pretty formatting to make it easier for you to print from any computer or even to see a recipe on your smart-phone without having to struggle. 

My goal is for you to have lots of food-smudged printed recipes in your kitchen just like I have in mine.  Happy Printing!

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