June 25, 2010

Another one bites the dust

I only lost one pound last week, but that was enough to get me to a total of 10 pounds. That means I reached my first goal which I was pretty proud of. The next goal is 10 more pounds which I should be able to reach in four weeks if I work at it. Considering the next two weekends I have planned it's not going to be an easy thing to do. The treadmill will be my friend!

You've noticed that I was silent for the last week. Or maybe I flatter myself and you don't pay that much attention. Either way, I didn't blog for the last week and there are two reasons for that. Number one, my laptop crashed and if I wanted to blog I had to sit in the study. That doesn't seem like a big deal unless you consider reason number two: World Cup. Every night this week has been spent watching games we recorded on the DVR.

Have you been watching? Did you see Landon Donovan's goal in the 91st minute on Wednesday? I can say with 100% certainty that the soccer match on Wednesday was one of my favorite moments as a sports fan. The tension was palpable as the US and Algeria played their hearts out to stay alive in the biggest tournament on the planet. And just when America thought we were going to be disappointed again, Landon Donovan kicked a ball into a net and the world took notice.

Do you think I'm exaggerating? I'm really not. The United States just might be the only country in the tournament that doesn't completely shut down when its team plays a match. This is big stuff, folks. And the world is most definitely watching.

As I type this entry the world is watching Brazil and Portugal. I have the day off work because Aaron and I are attending the Weekend to Remember marriage conference this weekend at the Gaylord Texan. So I'm watching some "futball" and drinking a non-fat yogurt smoothie and preparing to bombard you with the recipes I haven't posted yet.

There's some good stuff coming. Stay tuned...

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