November 18, 2010


So...there may be large gaps of time between recipe postings for the next few weeks.  I am rapidly discovering that cooking is not the easiest job when you're in your first trimester.  And meal-planning?  Fuggedaboutit!  Not happenin'.  No sir.  No m'am.  No way! 

But I do think it's important to share the goofy things that happen to me in hopes that my bizarre nature will somehow make you feel better about yourselves.  Can I just say that I don't know how my husband does it?  Most of the time I don't even want to live with me.  I'm a pain in the tookus.  So, for your enjoyment here's a couple of things that have happened to me in the last few days since THIS happened.

1) I have cried more in the past four days than I have in the last several years combined.  I'm annoyed with myself.  Get a grip, Sappy!

2) I have developed a very serious craving for mushrooms.  Last night I dreamed about these.  This weekend I plan to make these.  My dad has accused me growing a fungus instead of a baby.

3) I am suddenly in LOVE with those nature shows like Planet Earth and Blue Planet.  I loved them before - they are beautiful and awe-inspiring.  BUT, suddenly I am really realizing the peace that comes from watching God take care of creatures from huge whales to tiny insects.  Unless, of course, the show involves a baby animal being eaten by a predator while its mother watches helplessly.  See Number One.  Help me, Rhonda!

4) I changed my mind three times about what I wanted for dinner last night.  The problem is that I changed it AFTER the previously decided upon meal was already heated up and ready to eat.  My husband is a saint!

5) I have a limited number of brain cells for each day, and by the time I get home at night I have used my daily allotment.  Monday night I decided to take a warm bath, and I decided I needed my phone, my book, and a big mug of water.  It took me EIGHT trips from the bathroom to various rooms around the house before I had all three items.  At one point somewhere in the middle I ended up in the bathroom with a mug of ice (no water), my book was on the kitchen table, and my phone was in the laundry room.  See Number One.  Again.

I keep telling myself that I will get a grip and get back to "normal" once a little time goes by and the shock wears off.  I deeply hope this is the case because if not my husband may be asking some of you to occasionally share a spare bedroom.  Thanks in advance for not making fun of me too much!


A Certified Basket Case


  1. Be prepared to lose many more brain cells. Why do you think I'm the way I am? I was a perfectly "normal" person until those two kids happened!

  2. Oh, my poor friend Aaron! Love you, and so glad you're getting to go through all this! Heehee!
